@TextFrame@<:R1,7,1,360,1,720,1,90,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:f1060,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><+"><-"><:f><+"><:f1060,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128> ext Enhancement:<-"><:f> the
<+(>Caps<-(> part of this bar includes a DropCap icon. This activates a macro that was uploaded by Nick Payne. It creates an initial Dropped Capital Letter for whatever paragraph your insertion point is in. If you want more info., or don</R>t have the macro
, download Nick</R>s file.
@TextFrame@<:I0,0,0,0><:R1,7,1,360,1,720,1,90,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,> The seventh icon is my vision of the Smartype macro that ships with Ami. Note the quotes, em dash, and apostrophe.
@TextFrame@<:I0,0,0,0><:R1,7,1,360,1,720,1,90,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,> The ninth icon lets you create frames for text that can be divided into multiple columns. You can use existing text to fill the frame (the macro will cut and paste for you), or create a blank frame to input new text (the macro will automatically column yo
ur text). You can also use this macro to re-column an existing text frame.
@TextFrame@<:I0,0,0,0><:S+852><:f1080,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><+">T<-"><:f1080,,><:f>
<:#2280,9360>Here are all of the toolbars I</R>ve made. What each does is put several Ami commands in one easily accessed place. Now, from one SmartIcon set that will normally hold only
<+!>27 <-!>icons (27 functions), you can access <+!><+#>115<-!><-#> commands/macros. These fourteen toolbars access 99, and you can still have an additional 16 tools of your own choosing. There is help available for each new toolbar in the upper right hand
corner in case you don</R>t recognize some of the icons. If you</R>re comfortable with creating SmartIcon sets already, you should have no problem with the following instructions. If you</R>re new to such customizing, you should still be O.K.. Nobody</R>s h
ad any serious problems yet. Either way, please read the following carefully.
<:f240,2Times New Roman,129,0,0>.<:f>
<:#332,9360><:f280,,><+#>To get the toolbars<-#><:f><+#><:f280,,> working<-#><:f><+#><:f280,,> on your system<-#><:f>:
@Bullet 1@<:R1,5,1,450,1,1440,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#572,9360><-!>create a subdirectory called <+!>DLGICOS <-!>(for Dialogue Icons) under your
<+!>AmiPro\Icons<-!> subdir.
@Bullet 1@<:R1,5,1,450,1,1440,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#288,9360>copy <+#><:f240,2Times New Roman,129,0,0>all .SMM<-#><:f> files into your
<+!>Amipro\Macros<-!> subdirectory.
@Bullet 1@<:R1,5,1,450,1,1440,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#332,9360>copy <+#><:f240,2Times New Roman,129,0,0>all SI*.BMP<-#><:f> files into your
<:f280,,>Amipro\Icons<:f> subdirectory.
@Bullet 1@<:R1,5,1,450,1,1440,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#332,9360><**>copy <+#><:f240,2Times New Roman,129,0,0>all other <-#><:f><+#><:f240,2Times New Roman,129,0,0>BMP<-#><:f> files into your
<:R1,5,1,450,1,1440,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#852,9360> These macros assume that you have AmiPro installed on the C: drive as a first level subdirectory (i.e., C:\Amipro). If you have your program located elsewhere, you will need to edit the .SMM files by following the following instructions.
continue on to the instructions that begin </S>Now you need to get....</T>
<:R1,5,1,450,1,1440,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#288,9360> To let the macros know where your program is if it is <:f240,2Times New Roman,255,0,0><+!><+)>not<-)><-!><:f> in C:\Amipro:
@Number List@<:I0,720,900,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#1136,9360> From within AmiPro, select the <:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+#>F<-#>ile<:f> menu, and then
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+#>O<-#>pen<:f>. Here you will need to change the
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+#>L<-#>ist files of type:<:f> option to
<+">AmiPro Macro<-">. Your file list should change to reflect the location of your macros. If it doesn</R>t, change to that directory yourself (usually
@Number List@<:I0,720,900,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#284,9360> Open the following files: <:f240,2Times New Roman,129,0,0>All that have a
</S><:f><:f240,2Times New Roman,129,0,0>WHT-</T><:f><:f240,2Times New Roman,129,0,0> beginning. (i.e. Wht*.smm)<:f>
@Number List@<:I0,720,900,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#1704,9360> For each macro file, with your insertion point at line one, column one, go to your
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+#>E<-#>dit<:f> menu and select <:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128>Find</`>&
<+#>R<-#>eplace<:f>. In the find text box, type </S>c:\amipro</T> (without quotes). In the replace text box, type the drive and directory on and in which you have AmiPro installed.<**> (i.e., D:\lotusapp\amipro)<**>Then select
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+#>R<-#>eplace all<:f>.
@Number List@<:s><:I0,720,900,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#284,9360> Save and close each file.
<+@><:I0,0,0,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#568,9360> Now you need to get the SI*.BMP icons into a SmartIcon set. Here is what you will need to do if you intend to use these macros and dialogue boxes in place of the existing Ami</`>Pro ones.
@Number List@<+@><:s><:I630,0,270,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,> Make sure that the SmartIcon set you wish to modify is visible on your screen, then go to the
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128>Too<+#>l<-#>s<:f> menu, and select
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128>Smart<+#>I<-#>cons... <:f><**>
@Number List@<+@><:I630,0,270,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,> Let</R>s deal with the column of icons on the right. If you have them there, drag each of these icons out of this column. Remember where they went though. If one
<**>of them isn</R>t there, don</R>t worry, they all soon will be.
@Number List@<+@><:s><:I630,0,270,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#852,9360> Now for the column on the left. Scroll down to the end of the list of available icons. Eventually you should see some icons that look exactly like the ones you just took off. Next to
<+">these<-"> icons, however, there should be no text.
@Number List@<+@><:I630,0,270,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,> Drag each of these no-text icons back into the place you just took the originals from in the right column. If there was no original, put these new ones there anyway.<:p<* >>
@Number List@<+@><:I540,360,360,0><:R><:#1136,9360>Now we need to assign the included macros to the new icons. Click on the new Open icon in the
<:f240,2Times New Roman,129,0,0><+"><+!>column on the right<-!><-"><:f> and then click on
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+#>E<-#>dit <:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128>Icon<:f> to go to the next dialogue box. If for some reason the new icon is not displayed very largely in front of you, you can scroll through the list of icons to your left until
you can see, and then click on it.
@Number List@<+@><:I630,0,270,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#1140,9360> You should see a list box labeled <:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+#>M<-#>acros:
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>just below the image<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>.
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>Scroll down in this list until you can click on the
<:f240,2Times New Roman,129,0,0><+!>WHT-OPEN.SMM<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0><-!> macro. Once you click, you will see it come up in the
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+#>R<-#>un</`>Macros:<:f><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> text box. If you wish, put a different description in the
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+#>D<-#>escription<:f><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128>:<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> text box.
<+@><:s><:I630,0,270,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#284,9360><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> <:f>
<+@><:I630,0,270,0><:R1,5,1,360,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#852,9360><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>7. That</R><:f><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>s it.
<:f><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>Click on <:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128>OK<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>, and
<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128>OK<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> again, and you will now have a more useful<:f><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> replacement for AmiPro</R><:f><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>s Open File<:f><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> icon.
<:f>Do steps 5-7 for each of the other icons/macros to complete your
<:R1,5,1,90,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#1704,9360><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+">View/hide: <-"><:f>this one is totally over the top. It allows you to do most of the common ViewPreferences changes, and with this last revision, gives you a list box of common (to other wordprocessors at least) screen v
iew sizes. The list box is set to be accessed first when you call up this macro, so, if you simply press "m" (for Margin), you will call the fit2screen macro that ships with Ami. The same holds true for the letters "c"(clean screen), "f"(facing pages), "l
"(layout mode), "o"(outline mode), and "p"(view preferences).
<+@><:I0,0,0,0><:R1,5,1,90,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#1420,3811><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><-"><+"><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128>Frame<:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128>s:<:f><-"><:f> this one doesn</R>t have all of the frame options to be sure. It has the ones I use most often. I saw no
need to include mouse available actions such as Modify Layout (right click).
<+@><:I0,0,0,0><:R1,5,1,90,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#1704,3811><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128><+"><:ZCurPos1><:Z~CurPos1>Tables:<-"><:f> It is usually a good idea to put your tables into a frame. That way you are able to position them easily anywhere on your page. If you want to print the lines, first Select All, the
n use Lines.
<+@><:I0,0,0,0><:R1,5,1,90,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><-"><+"><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,128>Start Up:<-"><:f> Tim Takacs has suggested that the Wht-Open macro be specified as the last macro you load on program startup, so that you are immediately presented the opportunity to get to work as you wish.<:p<* >>
<+@><:I0,0,0,0><:R1,5,1,90,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,>Using some code uploaded by Chris Williams, I was able to incorporate a feature into these dialogue boxes that allows any user to place the toolbar on the screen and have it be in the same place the next time the macro is activated. To
</S>set</T> the position of your toolbars, click on the cigar-shaped button above each bar</R>s escape button. This will record the position of the toolbar, and the next time you access it, it will appear in that same spot.
<+@><:I0,0,0,0><:R1,5,1,90,1,900,1,2162,1,2883,1,3596,><:#1136,9360>These macros and all the included files and instructions are yours on an as is, use at your own risk, basis. If something goes wrong or doesn't work for you, you can drop me some Compuserve mail and I</R>ll try to help you out. Or, just let me know if you l
ike </Q>em, or whatever other collections you think might be useful.